: : : : : T R A N S Y L V A N I A : : : : : What town paints a BAT on its Eat at restaurants like Lea's Lunch Room; Dupuy's, where you can buy a sandwich and various macabre items. You can also buy hardware, rubber bats, skeletons, skulls, and T-shirts emblazoned with "Transylvania, Louisiana." There's no "Count" but there are bats, and with the many mosquitoes in Louisiana, Transylvania is a perfect place to learn more about BATS.
If you really want to control insects in your back yard or farm, build a bat house. Keep the bug spray, just let bats help.
Consider bat houses! Bats eat huge quantities of mosquitoes. But, like bluebirds and purple martins, bat populations are declining because they have nowhere to live. YOU can help reduce the number of insects in your yard by installing bat houses. Experts say that the best results are to locate houses in forest habitats, small clearings near ponds, along forest roads or utility right-of-ways, and at the edge of forests. The design is extremely important. Of the eight common types, the tallest and widest houses perform the best. LINKS to More Information http://www.ekpc.com/greenweb/bats.html Excellent FAQs about Bats page: Includes teaching links: http://www.cccoe.k12.ca.us/bats/ ) Transylvania is located at 32.66� North, 91.25� West (ZIP Code Centroid). It is about 10 miles south of Lake Providence on U.S. Highway 65, at the junction with SR 581, not far from the Mississippi River. OTHER LINKS OF INTEREST RELATING TO TRANSYLVANIA: Fun Ghost Sitings and Hauntings along Hwy 65 Transylvania: http://www.ghostsofamerica.com/7/Louisiana_Transylvania_ghost_sightings.html
Why not consider a "Bat house fund-raising project"?!